The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 24th of July at the Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy. Arrive early to order dinner.
The SMHA day ride will be at the main entrance of Mt Madonna County Park on Sunday July 21st. Address is 7850 Pole Line Rd, Watsonville. Ride out time will be 10:30am. Bring your lunch to hang out after the ride. Space is limited so RSVP is required to
Coming up on Saturday August 3rd is the Horse & Bikes clinic see the flier on page 4 of this month’s newsletter.
Toni Whedon
I am so excited to tell everyone that SMHA won first place out of the equestrian entries in the parade this week!
Thank you again to everyone who helped decorate the float, trailer and horses this week – it really takes great teamwork to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time on parade day. All of the horses did amazing, and feedback on our equestrian group was all fantastic. We certainly couldn’t have been successful without every single one of you. With that said, if you have any feedback on how we can do even better or improve our processes next year, please feel free to email me directly – I would love to hear your ideas!!
I also want to say thank you to everyone for cleaning up after themselves and our animals so that we left the neighborhood in good condition…our efforts did not go unnoticed, and I was very proud of how our group was so responsible. I love being associated with such a great group of horse (and mule!) folks.
Lots of pics in the newsletter.