The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd of May at the Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy. Topics under discussion should include the June 1st Play Day and the July 4th Parade entry. Please arrive early to order dinner before the meeting starts.
Join us on Saturday May 11th for the SMHA day ride at Harvey Bear, Mendoza Entrance on Roop Road in Gilroy. Ride out time will be 1030 am for this one! Space is limited so people must RSVP in advance for the ride, call or text Kathy Madlem at 408-858-5248 or email
Our first clinic of the year is the very popular Trailer Maintenance Clinic on Saturday May 18th. See the flier on page 4 and register online.
Our first Play Day is on Saturday June 1st see the flier and registration link on page 5. We always need volunteers for set up, judging and clean up, please contact Toni if you are interested. This is a great opportunity to acquaint your horse with some things you may come across out on the trail. Also there will be a desensitization clinic for riders in the July 4th parade, after the competition.