The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 27th, at The Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy.
For the April meeting, Gary Luke will be giving a Trailer Tech Talk before the very popular Trailer maintenance clinic in May.
Our March Club Ride is at Almaden Quicksilver – Hacienda entrance on Saturday 3/9/24. Be ready to ride at 11am and please RSVP Kathy Madlem (408-858-5248) in case weather causes a change of date or destination. It is an interesting ride through the old mining area.
Our thanks to Pat Scharfe, who has stepped down as club secretary, for her many years of service. Don’t worry you will still see Pat at the registration table at our many events this year. Congratulations and thank you to Carol Abel for stepping into the role.
Read all about in the newsletter.