Happy July!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 24th of July at the Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy. Arrive early to order dinner.

The SMHA day ride will be at the main entrance of Mt Madonna County Park on Sunday July 21st. Address is 7850 Pole Line Rd, Watsonville. Ride out time will be 10:30am. Bring your lunch to hang out after the ride. Space is limited so RSVP is required to kmarn@aol.com 

Coming up on Saturday August 3rd is the Horse & Bikes clinic see the flier on page 4 of this month’s newsletter.


Toni Whedon
I am so excited to tell everyone that SMHA won first place out of the equestrian entries in the parade this week!  

Thank you again to everyone who helped decorate the float, trailer and horses this week – it really takes great teamwork to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time on parade day. All of the horses did amazing, and feedback on our equestrian group was all fantastic. We certainly couldn’t have been successful without every single one of you. With that said, if you have any feedback on how we can do even better or improve our processes next year, please feel free to email me directly – I would love to hear your ideas!!

I also want to say thank you to everyone for cleaning up after themselves and our animals so that we left the neighborhood in good condition…our efforts did not go unnoticed, and I was very proud of how our group was so responsible. I love being associated with such a great group of horse (and mule!) folks. 

Lots of pics in the newsletter.

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Happy June!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 26th of June at Saddles & Treasures in Gilroy. Arrive early to browse and shop, www.saddlesandtreasures.com . Our speaker will be Sara Luke discussing Equine Bodywork.

Coming on June 29th is our Horse Camping Clinic & Chili Cook-Off at Henry Cowell State Park, the Santa Cruz Horsemen’s Assoc. grounds. Campout weekend runs from Friday June 28th checkout on Sunday June 30th. You can register for each event using the links.

The newsletter is here!

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Happy May!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd of May at the Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy. Topics under discussion should include the June 1st Play Day and the July 4th Parade entry. Please arrive early to order dinner before the meeting starts.

Join us on Saturday May 11th for the SMHA day ride at Harvey Bear, Mendoza Entrance on Roop Road in Gilroy. Ride out time will be 1030 am for this one!  Space is limited so people must RSVP in advance for the ride, call or text Kathy Madlem at 408-858-5248 or email kmarn@aol.com. 

Our first clinic of the year is the very popular Trailer Maintenance Clinic on Saturday May 18th. See the flier on page 4 and register online.

Our first Play Day is on Saturday June 1st see the flier and registration link on page 5. We always need volunteers for set up, judging and clean up, please contact Toni if you are interested. This is a great opportunity to acquaint your horse with some things you may come across out on the trail. Also there will be a desensitization clinic for riders in the July 4th parade, after the competition.

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Happy April!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 24th, at Saddles & Treasures in Gilroy. Arrive early to browse and shop, www.saddlesandtreasures.com. Guest speaker Gary Luke will be giving a Trailer Tech Talk before the very popular Trailer Maintenance Clinic in May.

Our April Club Ride at Grant Ranch County Park is postponed from 4/14 due to rain and trail closures. Please RSVP Kathy Madlem if you are interested in joining the ride when it is rescheduled.

Our first clinic of the year is the very popular Trailer Maintenance Clinic on Saturday May 18th. See the flier on page 4 of the newsletter and register online.

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Happy March!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 27th, at The Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy.

For the April meeting, Gary Luke will be giving a Trailer Tech Talk before the very popular Trailer maintenance clinic in May.

Our March Club Ride is at Almaden Quicksilver – Hacienda entrance on Saturday 3/9/24. Be ready to ride at 11am and please RSVP Kathy Madlem (408-858-5248) in case weather causes a change of date or destination. It is an interesting ride through the old mining area.

Our thanks to Pat Scharfe, who has stepped down as club secretary, for her many years of service. Don’t worry you will still see Pat at the registration table at our many events this year. Congratulations and thank you to Carol Abel for stepping into the role.

Read all about in the newsletter.

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Happy February

The February Newsletter is available here. The year calendar of events is here .

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 28th, at Saddles & Treasures in Gilroy. Arrive early to browse and shop, www.saddlesandtreasures.com. Guest speaker, and SMHA member, Sarah Luke will give a talk on the subject of equine massage, see page 6. Check out the Saddles and Treasures Saddle Cleaning Clinic on page 8.

A clinic to make a mohair cinch coming up February 9 & 10, please check out the flier on page 4.

Our February Club Ride is in Harvey Bear County Park on Saturday 24th but please check our Facebook page for any weather related updates or call Kathy Madlem

Sadly we lost longtime SMHA member Kitty Swindle in January. A message from her family is on page 5

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Happy New Year!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 24th, at Saddles & Treasures in Gilroy. Arrive early to browse and shop, www.saddlesandtreasures.com.

This newsletter has the 2024 Calendar right there on page 3. Mark your calendars appropriately. We have all the favorites there plus a brand new clinic to make a mohair cinch coming up in early February, please check out the flier on page 4.

Also included in this issue photos from the Holiday Party and the Christmas ride in the park.

Membership now online!! !https://form.jotform.com/toniwhedon/2024-smha-membership-application Thank you Kathy Madlem!!

The December newsletter is here.

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Happy November!

There is no General Meeting this month but December we will hold our end of year Holiday Party on Wednesday December 13th at 6:30 at the Longhouse Restaurant in Gilroy. No-host dinner. Bring a new/gently used, wrapped gift valued approx. $10-$20 for a fun gift exchange game! It will also feature the awards for this year’s #hoofpicsinparks competition.

Keep your Halloween costume ready for the November 4th Halloween Poker Ride. Always a fun day, see flier on page 5. if members want to donate items for our Poker Ride awards, they can get a free poker hand for their donation(s). We have some fantastic prizes already from Saddles & Treasures, Ace Hardware, Guglielmo Winery, and some of the local hay suppliers.

This month’s Club Ride is at Sprig Lake parking lot at the foot of Mt Madonna county Park on Saturday November 18th, ride out at 10am.

Make plans for Caroling in the Park – Harvey Bear on Saturday, Dec. 16th. Ride out at Noon on the paved loop. Dress up for the holiday to spread some Christmas cheer to children and families who walk the loop!

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Happy October!

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 25th, at Saddles & Treasures in Gilroy. Arrive early to browse and shop, www.saddlesandtreasures.com.

Note there will be no general meeting in November as it would clash with Thanksgiving.

October starts with the very popular Trailer Backing Clinic on Saturday the 7th. See the event page with a link to online registration. Advance registration is required please call Karen if you cannot access the online registration.

Club ride at Ed Levin Park on Sunday the 15th, ride out time 10 am.

Keep your Halloween costume ready for the November 4th Halloween Poker Ride. Always a fun day, see flier in the event page.

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Happy September

The General Meeting this month will be at 7pm on Wednesday 27th, at The Longhouse in Gilroy. Please arrive early to place your food order.

In September we have a club ride at the top of Mt. Madonna County Park, on Saturday the 9th, another opportunity to get those #hoofpicsinparks. Then our Fall Playday is on Saturday the 23rd another opportunity for education for you and your horse or volunteer opportunity for you. See the event page with a link to online registration.

October starts with the very popular Trailer Backing Clinic On Saturday the 7th. See the event page with a link to online registration.

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